Blogs > Lighten Up With Patricia

47-year-old Patricia Warnock of Mentor is a contestant in The News-Herald's Lighten Up in 2013.

Monday, March 25, 2013

my own inspiration

Bootycamp has been doing wonders for me both physically and mentally.  There is no "I CAN'T" in that class.  You do what you can do and tell yourself you will do better next time.  I look back at where I was a year ago this month and I jump for joy that I have come so far.  I'm getting stronger every day physically.  Mentally, not so much.  I need to rewire my brain so I am not so dependent on food.  I eat veggies, I want pizza.  I eat fish, I want a slab of steak the size of Texas. It's all mental, but when does food stop messing with your head???? 
Busy week at work, but I'm going to get through it and hit bootycamp as many days as I possibly can. Two more weeks till weigh-in and I want results this time. Enough of the muscle building, I want fat burn!!!! Someone told me it takes a couple of months to really see results... uh, hello?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fun part of adventure

So I started up at a new bootycamp place in Mentor. I'm trying to go three times a week.  This week is going to be rough because I now have another bout of Niagra Falls of the sinuses! I just don't get how working out and eating right isn't making me healthier. Just one illness after another.  NOT AN EXCUSE, just a road block. I'm planning on still working out the same this week, just gotta take it a little easier.  I even made it through St. Tricia's Day without indulging in too much corned beef and brews.  Here's to another week down...Peace out!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Exercise with a Friend

This past Saturday I had a friend sign up for a bootcamp with me.  New place opened up in Mentor, and since I know the trainer, I decided to try it out.  It was a bootcamp just like I had taken last summer and I loved it.  Now I'm signing up to take the class three times a week.  If you find something you like, stick with it!  I just have to ay that this pain "hurts so good!"  Looking forward to this evenings class.  Peace out...

Monday, March 4, 2013

not a big loss

So our results were published. Cookies to those that lost big.  For those that stayed or gained, you can do this. It's all in forming new good habits.  I'm addicted to food, so this is extremely difficult for me. I have a hard time throwing out food.  I see it as a huge waste. But if I don't watch my portions and what I eat, I will be a huge waste! 
I'm having a tough time right now.  I just feel like I'm in a funk and can't get out of it. I'm overly tired from work. I know this is affecting my mood.  I don't like it when people tell me to chill out or similiar wording but I guess that's what I need to, I'm off to chill out.  Peace out!